- 你上哪去? Where are you steering for?
- 你上哪去 philip? Where are you going, Philip?
- 你上哪去了? Where did you go?
- 神学院放假后,你打算上哪去呢? Where will you go when the seminary closes?
- “你上(嗝)哪去(嗝),鼠儿?”泪流满面的鼹鼠抬头望着他,惊叫道。 Wherever are you (hic) going to (hic), Ratty?' cried the tearful Mole, looking up in alarm.
- 你上哪一所大学? A: What college did you attend?
- "你什么时候去上大学?" "下周,所有的学生都是那时去。" "When do you go up to your university?" "Next week, all the students go up then."
- 横靠着船停下,我们帮你上船。 Draw alongside the ship and we will help you aboard.
- 老鼠上哪去了?你们这些臭老鼠,我非得把你们一个个吃掉不可。 The cat Where are the mice? You bad mice! I will eat you.
- 你上一次在工作中进行的一个权衡利弊后冒的风险是什么? What was the last calculated risk you took at work?
- 我要先上哪道菜? Which dishes would you like to be served first?
- 你上过大学吗? Did you go to university?
- 你到底上哪去了? Where on earth have you been?
- 你上了岁数以后,就会为虚度了青春、没有学会一门职业而懊悔。 When you are older you'll be sorry that you idled away your youth instead of preparing for a profession.
- 他假期上哪去了? Where did he go on vacation?
- 你上学期的生活费用平均是多少? How do your living expenses for the last term average out?
- NBA历史上哪位球员入选赛季第一阵容的次数最多:卡尔马龙 Who has been selected to All-NBA First Team for most times in NBA history? Karl Malone
- 你上当了--那所房子都要塌了! You've been sold a pup -- that house is nearly falling down!
- 她假期上哪去了? Where did she go on vacation?
- 那么我和你母亲省吃俭用,自己刻苦,供你上大学,有什么用处呢? What is the good of your mother and me economizing and stinting ourselves to give you a university education?